Ethics and integrity of the Group


We’re in the business of decency

At the heart of our culture lies integrity. We uphold the highest standards of integrity in our actions. Always. 

And so, Prysmian has drawn up its own ‘constitution’ with a view to spreading responsible business practices and ensuring that ethical, economic, environmental and social standards are met throughout the value chain. The principles set out in the Ethical Code apply to the business transactions and daily activities of all our employees, and also to our suppliers, business partners, sales agents, sub-contractors and distributors.

Defines the ethical-social responsibilities of each and every employee and partner. It is a true practical guide that is part of Prysmian’s DNA, and plays a strategic role in all Group activities. Prysmian’s Ethical Code of Conduct encompasses business integrity, environmental responsibility and human and workers’ rights.

A commitment to ethics and integrity

Prysmian believes that profit should always be achieved through respect for the rules and competitors, and by fair and transparent actions that anticipate and meet market needs, thus generating value for distribution to all stakeholders.

That’s why we have a strong anti-corruption culture, supported by comprehensive compliance policies.

We have adopted an Anti-Bribery Policy and an Antitrust Code of Conduct, which are published on our corporate intranet. Updates are communicated to all Group employees.

Our Anti-Bribery Policy

This prohibits the corruption of both public officials and private individuals. It requires each and every Prysmian employee to comply and adhere to all the anti-corruption legislation in force in the countries in which they work or are active.

Under this policy, no employee may make, promise to make, offer or approve the payment of anything of value, whether directly or indirectly, for the benefit of public officials, unless in compliance with all current laws and to the extent expressly allowed by Group Policy.

For this purpose, the term ‘public officials’ means the employees of a public agency or company controlled by the government, including commercial entities, or international public organisations, political parties or party officials or candidates for public office.

Our Antitrust Code of Conduct

This code is aimed at managing any instances of unfair competition. It describes the issues relating to the application of Italian and EU competition policy with regard to agreements and the abuse of dominant positions. Any specific situations arising must be assessed against this framework on a case-by-case basis.

An established compliance structure

In order to support and sustain one of Prysmian’s key values, namely integrity, the Group has appointed an organisation that monitors observance of the Code of Ethics and the Compliance Policies.

The organisation comprises the following roles:

  • Chief Compliance Officer: manages all compliance policies and procedures, including the Code of Ethics, while reporting to the Control and Risks Committee and the Chief Executive Officer of the Group.
  • Local Compliance Officers: present at every Prysmian Group company to ensure the consistent implementation of compliance policies.

Ensuring employee adherence

We have introduced an e-learning module intended to increase employee awareness about the Code of Ethics and the Compliance Policies. A new version of this on-line application has been made available on the Group’s intranet.

Completion of the e-learning module is obligatory for all Prysmian management and staff. In this way, we aim to spread awareness about the Code of Ethics and the Compliance Policies within the Group, stimulating greater understanding of the behaviours we expect across the company.


When it comes to internal relations, Prysmian is committed to strengthening the bond with and between its employees by respecting their rights, expectations and needs, and by fostering improvements in their living standards and professional growth.

The individual is central to every activity here at Prysmian, and is the engine for future development.
Download our Code of Ethics

Human rights

Here at Prysmian, we champion the respect and protection of human rights, safeguarding the dignity, freedom and equality of all human beings. We reject any kind of discrimination and illegal acts and activities, such as corruption, and forced or child labour.

With this in mind, we operate within the general reference framework of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Download our Human Rights Policy and of the Fundamental Conventions of the International Labor Organization (ILO).

Diversity and inclusion

As a company with a distinctly global outlook, our policies reflect the diversities of every country in which we operate, promoting a multicultural environment, while developing a shared common identity.

In fact, the Group is highly rated on the FTSE4Good Index for the international standards assured to its employees, thanks to our Diversity and Inclusion Policy.

We believe in the importance of promoting equal opportunities, increasing the value of diversity, and inspiring uniqueness among our people.

Download our Diversity and Inclusion Policy

Given our strong belief in the principle of sustainable development, Prysmian operates worldwide with respect for the environment and social communities, while at the same time encouraging the responsible use of resources and promoting local projects designed to enhance wellbeing in the areas concerned.

With a view to defining common, shared rules within the Group for identifying corporate citizenship and philanthropy initiatives correlated with business operations, Prysmian put in place a Corporate Citizenship and Philanthropy Policy governing activities that benefit local communities. According with this policy, the corporate citizenship and philanthropy activities promoted by the Group must be principally intended to support initiatives that facilitate access to energy and telecommunications by local populations, with particular reference to those in developing countries.

Download our Corporate Citizenship and Philanthropy Policy

Prysmian Group also actively promotes commercial practices that ensure a responsible and sustainable supply chain as to meet ethical, economic, environmental and social standards. Therefore, in addition to the Code of Business Conduct, the Group has developed a Conflict Minerals Policy. The policy has the aim to set rules and procedures towards monitoring sourcing trends within suppliers and towards a free, secure and conflict-free mineral trading environment.

Download our Conflict Minerals Policy


At Prysmian, we actively promote commercial practices that will ensure a responsible and sustainable chain of supply and that ethical, economic, environmental and social standards are met throughout the company and throughout the value chain. These principles are enshrined in our Code of Business Conduct.

The Code applies to all employees and those who do business with us. The principles set down in the Code cover all the business transactions and daily activities of our employees, Group entities and their suppliers, commercial partners, commercial agents, sub-contractors and distributors.

The document covers the following matters: business integrity (fair trade, conflicts of interest, gifts and offers of entertainment, corruption, accountability); human rights and those of workers (under-age working and slavery, health and safety at work, non-discrimination, freedom of association and collective bargaining); environment (principle of precautions, use of raw materials and compliance, use of energy, greenhouse gases and other emissions, water consumption, waste production and recycling).

Our Code of Business Conduct and the Group’s application of the related guidelines are highlighted to suppliers at the scouting and qualification stages.

The Code is available to all employees our intranet and any updates are broadcast across the company.

Download our full Code of Business Conduct

With reference to its activities of design, development, production, supply and installation of a wide range of cables, accessories and systems for numerous applications in the energy and telecommunications industries, as well as the provision of related services. Prysmian Group considers the protection of employee safety. health and welfare and of the environment as one of the primary. essential prerequisites for the organisation of its activities, in order to create value added for all the Group's internal and external stakeholders.
"Conflict Minerals" (also known as '3TG') are defined as Tin, Tungsten, Tantalum and Gold that can be sourced from the Democratic Republic of Congo ("DRC"), and the 10 surrounding countries. Armed rebels in that region have overtaken different aspects of the mining and materials export process and are using proceeds from the sale of these minerals to finance their rebellions, as well as engaging in human rights abuses. Prysmian wants to ensure that its business partners are aware of – and compliant with this policy regarding Conflict Minerals.