


Always be on guard. That’s easy to do when you’re AIRGUARD with the power to create an impenetrable shield of protection. The same way AIRGUARD® armored cable systems offer protection in some of the most demanding industries from offshore drilling to chemical refining.

Always be on guard.


Steven Riddick loved to fly. From a fascination with birds as a child to winning a model airplane contest at 8 to getting his pilot’s license at 15, he’s always been a creature of the air. But when hard times befell his family business, he was forced to go to work for Steven Sunder (a.k.a. Estrange), flying cargoes of questionable origin and legality around the world. On one such mission, he was struck by a cosmic microburst, which disabled his craft and enveloped it in a bubble of high-density metal that saved his life on impact. He soon discovered that the ordeal had left him with the ability to create metallic shields on command to become AIRGUARD.